Holy Mary, Mother of Bert is what we call an "alternafolk" band. We play
songs that are probably more folk than anything else, but
we really experiment with the structure -- only one or two of the songs we ever
wrote involved a few open major and minor chords played on a couple of
acoustic guitars. Rather, we incorporate a number of instruments (acoustic
guitars, electric and double basses, viola, accordion, piano,
keyboard, percussion and drums, mandolin, banjo, and
two-to-four part vocal harmonies) to create a sound that recalls
such artists as They Might Be Giants, R.E.M., Elliot Smith, and Bela Fleck (a novice version.)
We also use humor a good deal in our music, as is reflected by some of our lyrics,
which are reminiscent of artists such as "Weird Al" Yankovic, Beck, and TMBG again.
We also tend to play with song structure in terms of nonconventional chordings and
some non-4/4 time signatures, and we also try to inflect as much personality into our
lyrics as possible, which for us means five-dollar words and an odd sense of humor.

Pretend that doesn't all sound as pretentious as it does, OK? Thanks.

We played together from September 1997 to May 2000 and then separated,
but since April 2002 have been getting sporadically to write
and play together. We have a third record coming out this year.

Please check out the site: read our lyrics, look at our records, hear our music.
And if you like, contact us through the link below and let us know what you think.

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